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Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Vol. IX: Small Finds: The Palatial Mansion (Areas F-2, P and P-2 and Other Studies. Final Report

From 1969 to 1982 extensive archaeological excavations were conducted in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem under the direction of the late Professor Nahman Avigad. During these excavations various construction remains were found, as well as numerous vessels and artifacts from all periods of settlement here, which extend from the late First Temple period through the Ottoman period.Volume Nine presents the wealth of small finds from the Palatial Mansion, built in the 1st century CE and destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Its architectural remains are presented in Volume Eight. Included in the current volume are stone tables, pottery and stone vessels, coins, glass, and bone artifacts, as well as unique finds: mold-blown glass vessels, some made by the famous artisan Ennion, a decorated clay token and stone sundials.From 1969 to 1982 extensive archaeological excavations were conducted in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem under the direction of the late Professor Nahman Avigad. During these excavations various construction remains were found, as well as numerous vessels and artifacts from all periods of settlement here, which extend from the late First Temple period through the Ottoman period. Volume Nine presents the wealth of small finds from the Palatial Mansion, built in the 1st century CE and destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Its architectural remains are presented in Volume Eight. Included in the current volume are stone tables, pottery and stone vessels, coins, glass, and bone artifacts, as well as unique finds: mold-blown glass vessels, some made by the famous artisan Ennion, a decorated clay token and stone sundials.


  • Author/s

    H. Geva

  • Year


  • Publisher

    Israel Exploration Society, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of Archaeology

  • ISBN


  • Pages


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