Qedem Reports 10. Excavations at Dor, Final Report. Vol. IIA. Area G, the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Synthesis, Architecture and StratigraphyQedem Reports 11. Excavations at Dor, Final Report. Vol. IIA. Area G, the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Pottery, Artifacts, Ecofacts and Other Studies
Qedem Reports 12. Excavations at Dor, Final Report. Vol. IIC. Area G, the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Pottery Plates and Index of Loci
These three volumes comprise the second of the final reports on the excavation of Tel Dor, presenting and analyzing the architecture, stratigraphy and finds of the Late Bronze Age II and the Iron Age in Area G. Volume IIA (Qedem 10) includes a comprehensive description and analysis of the stratigraphy and architecture of the main building uncovered in this area in Phase 9, with details of pre- (Phases 12–11) and post- (Phases 8–5) building activity. Alongside the detailed documentation, an overview and an architectural, contextual, functional and chronological synthesis are provided. Volume IIB (Qedem 11) presents the local and imported Late Bronze Age pottery of Phases 12–11 and the Iron Age pottery of Phases 10–5, along with other artifacts and ecofacts, including metal, flint, glyptics, ornamental and utilitarian objects, animal bones, human skeletal remains and shells. Volume IIC (Qedem 12) includes all the pottery plates (Late Bronze Age II and Iron Age), as well as the locus index for the entire volume.The volumes are dedicated to the memory of Prof. Ephraim Stern, the director of the Tel Dor excavations from 1986–2000.
A. Gilboa, I. Sharon, J.R. Zorn, S. Matskevich
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of ArchaeologyISSN